Loose Squares – A Two Act Stage Play

Author: Tia Ja'nae
Label: A8M Press
Release Date: 1-6-2024
Genres: Chicago Fiction, Featured Books

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About The Book

Tia Ja’nae’s Pulitzer Nominated Stage Play Returns…

Welcome to Chicago, one of the few cities in the United States that has rapid transit twenty-four hours a day. There are 10,768 bus stops in the entire Chicago metro area.  79th and Stony Island is one of them.  The people that rely on that bus stop as a window of access to the heart of the city grit and bear the negligence of their side of town, praying for the best and hoping that daybreak erases the worst.  The bus is late, it’s cold as hell, but at least they can buy loose squares while they wait.

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